Hi! I’m Lauren.

“Growing up, I firmly believed that success in career would equal a failure in my personal relationships. More recently, I believed that I could either pay my bills or do something that I found purposeful and fulfilling. Changing that one word from OR to AND, started me on this path — where I get to be excited everyday, earning more money than I ever have, and exploring new possibilities.”


Personally, I am a mother and a wife with a passion for maintaining a balanced healthy lifestyle. In my early years of motherhood, I became a virtual fitness coach, whereby I motivated hundreds of women and men in their own personal journeys to build healthier lives and stronger bodies.

This is where my passion for coaching others to become their best selves was born.

Through the journey of fitness, I’ve learned a thing or two about discipline and mental toughness, which has carried me through to success in all areas of my life.

Professionally, I have spent over ten years working in a major corporation beginning as an entry level project manager and then quickly rising to the ranks of Director. During my time I have added public speaker, marketing and communications lead for our Black Professionals Network, mentor and Coach to my resume.

Throughout my career, I have coached and mentored many in the professional space.

Those who have benefited from my coaching have gone on to build executive presence as well as earn promotions, receive exceptional performance ratings, and increased salaries.

Though I was grateful to achieve fast success, which was very much unheard of especially for a woman of color in, I knew that my career trajectory was lacking personal fulfillment.

As a graduate of the Ryerson University Radio & Television Arts program, I longed to return to my passion in Media. Fast forward to 2021, I have decided to finally take action in order to fulfill my calling.

Not only did I embark on this journey to build a Coaching business, but I also uprooted my family in Canada in order to build a creative career in Los Angeles as a Certified Career & and Performance Coach.

I know what it’s like to want more for yourself when you seem to already have it all.

I know what it’s like to ignore the whispers in hopes that they will just allow you to remain comfortable and content. I also know how scary it is to leap before you are ready.


- Lauren Morrison


Tell me, are you ready to take the leap?